Alex chose the Futuro House by Matti Suuronen as his subject and explored lighting, mood, colours, compositions, and visual styles by placing it on as many different scenarios as you could possible imagine.
In this Q&A, Alex reveals the story behind the project.

01 –– What was it about Futuro House that spoke to you enough to choose it as the subject for your project?
"Firstly, it was its experimental character. Secondly, it was its design messages that go far beyond the architectural language. The house becomes an object of design (so open to anyone's interpretations) and even more, it becomes an object of art. And last but not the least, I loved its flexibility. The house can be inhabited anywhere.

02 –– Can you talk us through your creative process?
"Everything started with the house. Its historical and unknown legacy is emphasised by the black and white vintage CG images. It's almost like searching through the archives of time and finding proof of its existence.
"The next focus is its flexible living environment: in the forest between – or even above – the trees, on the water, under the water, in deserted areas and even on the moon. The house could be anyone's dream and this message is emphasised in these CG Images.
"Finally, when I look back the creation of this project, I focussed on its design purpose. The house could also be a decorative object, carefully kept in a glazed ball or in a museum.

03 –– What kinds of challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?
"Doing the research and understanding its messages correctly was a challenge.
"It was very important to digest what it was designed for, for whom and how it was supposed to ease our lives, even only through the lens of our eyes for those who will never have the chance to experience it."

05 – What did you hope to achieve with your project and did you achieve it?
"Today, everyone in our team knows what 'Futuro House' was, is, and what it can be and should be.
"And its legacy is safe among us, at least among Somewhere's team members!"

If you'd like to see more of our artist's projects, follow us on Instagram @somewhere_agency.