Gateway to the North

FEC | Northern Gateway

Strategy. Campaign. Digital. Film.


Scarred by years of industry, defunding and pollution, the north of Manchester boasts a rich history, however, this is overshadowed by the graffiti, crumbling concrete and weeds now claiming the area for their own. Northern Gateway is a breath of fresh air needed for Manchester’s hardworking but tired Northern Area.
Northern Gateway is a £1 billion project that will bring new life to the city. Steeped in tradition, but with a new vision, this 20-year plan will see businesses, homes, parks and transport links intertwine, to bring back the community that once thrived here. Over 380 acres of land are set to be revitalised, creating over 25,000 jobs, and 3000 new homes- conserving Manchester’s natural beauty in the process.

Through a place branding film, we created a brand identity showcasing Manchester’s strength, both in industry and heritage, and used this to inspire its future.